The role of SLPs in ALS care

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that essentially causes motor neurons to die, leading to a complete inability to move. ALS is aggressive, and progresses relatively quickly. The average life expectancy after diagnosis is 3 years according to the ALS Association.

Given the quick progression of the disease, SLP support needs to happen and it needs to happen immediately. Most people aren’t aware of the role that SLPs play in the care for individuals with ALS, but like with those with other degenerative diseases (like dementia), SLPs can be a huge part of the care team. How so? Let’s talk about it in (very) brief.


Obviously, SLPs do not diagnose ALS. However, we are pros at identifying voice and speech disorders. There are a few different types of ALS, one of which presents first with what are called “bulbar symptoms,” or symptoms pertaining to nerves that start in the brainstem. For SLPs, this includes symptoms with speech and swallowing. While SLPs might not know outright that an individual’s symptoms are caused by ALS, they will likely refer out to a neurologist if they are unable to help pinpoint the cause of the symptoms. This can lead to a speedier diagnosis, which then leads to treatment.


As with all neurodegenerative diseases, cognitive decline goes hand-in-hand with ALS. SLPs can help prepare the individual for failing memory and behavioral changes that eventually arise. This can include memory strategies (picture books, visual schedules, memory journals, etc.) and modifying environments to make them easier to navigate and less distracting. Most importantly, the SLP will work with the caretakers of the individual to help them adapt their behaviors and responses to the individual with ALS.

 An example of an eye gaze system. Picture found  here .
An example of an eye gaze system. Picture found here .


Because ALS affects motor neurons, it ultimately impedes the individual’s ability to communicate verbally. Initially, SLPs will work on compensatory strategies for symptoms like hypernasality or strategies for communication breakdowns due to unintelligibility. SLPs will also work on alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) systems with these patients. AAC education begins as early as possible so that the individual can learn a system that they can use throughout the progression of ALS. Systems can include low or no tech communication such as developing a consistent yes/no response system or letter boards. AAC systems could also be high tech devices that have speech generating abilities or eye gaze systems. We’ll talk some more about these later this week and next week.


Just like speaking, swallowing will eventually become difficult for individuals with ALS because of the person’s inability to control their motor movements. SLPs can provide maneuvers to use during swallowing to prevent aspiration, or food going into the lungs. Changes in diet may also be made in order to prevent aspiration (remember puree foods?). However, because of the quick progression of the disease, it’s important to consider comfort and quality of life measures. This can be a bit controversial, and is the choice of the individual and their care takers.

As you can see, speech-language pathologist can play a big role in helping those with ALS. Questions? Have a loved one with ALS? Call your friendly neighborhood SLP!


  1. Katherine BhanaMarch 12, 2024

    ALS is a cruel disease. My mum is 83 and had great difficulty speaking and swallowing much of anything. Food was getting trapped in her throat and blocking her air way was happening more often. she battled for each breath. The riluzole did very little to help her. The medical team did even less. Her decline was rapid and devastating. The psychological support from the medical centre was non-existent and if it were not for the sensitive care and attention of our primary physician, there she would have died. There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. Acupuncture eased her anxiety a bit. this year our primary physician started her on Natural Herbs Centre ALS/MND Ayurvedic treatment, 6 months into treatment she improved dramatically. It has been a complete turnaround with her speech, she no longer needs the feeding tube to feed, the treatment is a miracle. She recovered significantly! Visit Naturalherbscentre

  2. cory meronApril 2, 2024

    My first ALS  symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.

  3. JenniferApril 15, 2024

    I am Jennifer from U.S.A , I want to testify of how my aunty got cured from ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease), my aunty diagnosed of this disease in April 2019, she was bedridden, she tried all possible means to get cured but all to no avail until she saw a post in a health forum about a healing herbal spell caster who casts spells to heal all kind of diseases including ALS, at first she doubted it but decided to give it a try, when she contacted this herbal spell caster via his email, he created a herbal spell portion and sent it to her through the courier service, when she received the herbal spell portion, she used it under his directives and she was totally cured from this deadly disease, she is well and healthy again, all thanks to this great herbal spell caster. Contact him for cure to any kind of deadly and incurable diseases via his email

  4. Meyer OdetteJuly 22, 2024

    Last year, my 68-year-old partner was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease also known as ALS. Speaking and swallowing were two of his challenges. His collapse was swift and catastrophic, and neither the riluzole nor the medical staff did much to aid him. He would not have survived if our primary care physician hadn’t given him attentive care and attention, as the hospital center didn’t provide any psychological support. His fall was abrupt and catastrophic. His hands and legs gave way to weakness in his arms. This year our family physician suggested using vinehealthcentre. com ALS/MND treatment, which my husband has been receiving for a few months now. I’m delighted to say that the treatment greatly reduced and reversed his symptoms of ALS, he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. In the hopes that it could be useful, I thought I would relate my husband’s tale; in the end, you have to do what suits you the best.

  5. Meyer OdetteJuly 22, 2024

    Last year, my 68-year-old partner was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease also known as ALS. Speaking and swallowing were two of his challenges. His collapse was swift and catastrophic, and neither the riluzole nor the medical staff did much to aid him. He would not have survived if our primary care physician hadn’t given him attentive care and attention, as the hospital center didn’t provide any psychological support. His fall was abrupt and catastrophic. His hands and legs gave way to weakness in his arms. This year our family physician suggested using vine health centre ALS/MND treatment, which my husband has been receiving for a few months now. I’m delighted to say that the treatment greatly reduced and reversed his symptoms of ALS, he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. In the hopes that it could be useful, I thought I would relate my husband’s tale; in the end, you have to do what suits you the best.

  6. Meyer OdetteJuly 22, 2024

    My husband had ALS/MND programme about 4 months ago. he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. It doesn’t make the ALS go away but it did give him better quality of life. we got the treatment from vine health centre

  7. Meyer OdetteJuly 22, 2024

    My husband had ALS/MND programme about 4 months ago. he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. It doesn’t make the ALS go away but it did give him better quality of life. we got the treatment from vinehealthcentre

  8. Meyer OdetteJuly 24, 2024

    Last year, my 68-year-old partner was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease also known as ALS. Speaking and swallowing were two of his challenges. His collapse was swift and catastrophic, and neither the riluzole nor the medical staff did much to aid him. He would not have survived if our primary care physician hadn’t given him attentive care and attention, as the hospital center didn’t provide any psychological support. His fall was abrupt and catastrophic. His hands and legs gave way to weakness in his arms. This year our family physician suggested using vinehealthcentre. com ALS/MND treatment, which my husband has been receiving for a few months now. I’m delighted to say that the treatment greatly reduced and reversed his symptoms of ALS, he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. In the hopes that it could be useful, I thought I would relate my husband’s tale; in the end, you have to do what suits you the best.

  9. Meyer OdetteJuly 24, 2024

    Last year, my 68-year-old partner was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease also known as ALS. Speaking and swallowing were two of his challenges. His collapse was swift and catastrophic, and neither the riluzole nor the medical staff did much to aid him. He would not have survived if our primary care physician hadn’t given him attentive care and attention, as the hospital center didn’t provide any psychological support. His fall was abrupt and catastrophic. His hands and legs gave way to weakness in his arms. This year our family physician suggested using vine health centre. com ALS/MND treatment, which my husband has been receiving for a few months now. I’m delighted to say that the treatment greatly reduced and reversed his symptoms of ALS, he no longer requires a feeding tube, sleeps soundly, works out frequently, and is now very active. In the hopes that it could be useful, I thought I would relate my husband’s tale; in the end, you have to do what suits you the best.


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